Bachelor's thesis:

Juan Segura Buisan (Co-director: Diego Torricelli). Inertial-Based Assessment and Classification of Parkinson's Disease Motion. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Nota: 9.7. Fecha de lectura: 11/07/2018. 2018.

Begonya Ozmen (Co-director: Diego Torricelli). Analysis of motor unit recruitment through high-density electromyography: experimental procedures. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Nota: 8.5. Fecha de lectura: 06/07/2018. 2018.

Borja Sanchez Clemente (Co-director: Diego Torricelli). Validation of connectivity analysis in resting-state EEG as an assessment tool in neurorehabilitation. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Nota: 9.6. Fecha de lectura: 02/07/2018. 2018.

Enrique Olabuenaga (Co-director: Diego Torricelli). Measuring muscle fatigue using sEMG. Universidad San Pablo CEU. Fecha de lectura: 07/2018.. 2018.