Definition of the line

The main goal of this research line is to improve the quality of life of individuals with movement disorders by developing and evaluating breakthrough robotic technologies, including exoskeletons, exosuits and assistive robots, and interventions able to: i) promote recovery of lost motor functions, and/or ii) assist the activities of daily living.

To achieve our goal, we take a multidisciplinary approach focused on the fields of mechatronics and control, driven by the research in the fields of neurorehabilitation, neurophysiology and biomechanics. We design technologies and interventions based on the latest scientific evidence combined with feedback received from end-users, which includes stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease patients, as well as elderly users.

History/expertise of the group in this line

The group maintains a close collaboration with several rehabilitation hospitals and patient associations, including the National Spinal Cord Injury Hospital, Hospital los Madroños, Madrid’s Parkinson association.
Besides, the group has experience in transferring the conducted research and technologies to spin-off companies, such as Technaid, resulting in commercial products, such as the H3 lower limb exoskeleton.

Related Projects

Since 2008 the group has participated in, and led, multiple research projects in the wearable robotics field, both at national and international levels. Some examples are: the RehAnkle project, focused on developing a new smart robot for ankle rehabilitation; the Nimble project, focused on assessing and improving current exoskeletons for gait rehabilitation; the Tailor project, focused on delivering affordable and personalized wearable technologies for neurologically impaired users; the SmartWearable project, focused on improving the accuracy, robustness and safety of the robotic-assisted rehabilitation process of the knee and ankle joints; or the BioMot project, focused on improving the symbiotic interaction of humans with wearable robots.

Relevant papers

Sanchez-Villamañan, M. D. C., Gonzalez-Vargas, J., Torricelli, D., Moreno, J. C., & Pons, J. L. (2019). Compliant lower limb exoskeletons: a comprehensive review on mechanical design principles. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16(1), 1-16.

Pinto-Fernandez, D., Torricelli, D., del Carmen Sanchez-Villamanan, M., Aller, F., Mombaur, K., Conti, R., … & Pons, J. L. (2020). Performance evaluation of lower limb exoskeletons: a systematic review. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(7), 1573-1583.

Massardi, S., Rodriguez-Cianca, D., Pinto-Fernandez, D., Moreno, J. C., Lancini, M., & Torricelli, D. (2022). Characterization and evaluation of human–exoskeleton interaction dynamics: a review. Sensors, 22(11), 3993.

Asín-Prieto, G., Mercante, S., Rojas, R., Navas, M., Gomez, D., Toledo, M., … & Moreno, J. C. (2022). Post-stroke rehabilitation of the ankle joint with a low cost monoarticular ankle robotic exoskeleton: Preliminary results. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10.

Bortole, M., Venkatakrishnan, A., Zhu, F., Moreno, J. C., Francisco, G. E., Pons, J. L., & Contreras-Vidal, J. L. (2015). The H2 robotic exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation after stroke: early findings from a clinical study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 12, 1-14.

Main researchers

Dr. Juan C. Moreno
Dr. David Rodriguez
Dr. Clara Sanz