Associated unit: Cajal Institute – National Paraplegic Hospital, 1st Annual Seminar

Seminario inaugural de la UA entre el HNPT y el I. Cajal


10.00 Bienvenida

10.10 Exoesqueletos robotizados de miembros inferiores. Aportación clínica para los lesionados medulares (Dr. Angel Gil)

10.30 Exoesqueletos vestibles en diagnóstico y rehabilitación de marcha: potenciales y retos. (Dr. Juan C. Moreno)

10.50 Implicaciones de los sistemas de control de los exoesqueletos robotizados de miembros inferiores (Dr. Antonio del Ama)

11.10 Descanso

11.20 Estudio de la coordinación muscular y su aplicación a la Neuro-Rehabiltiación (Dr. Diego Torricelli)

11.40 Sistemas de control robótico híbrido para el miembro superior (Dr. José González)

12.00 Biomarcadores fisiológicos en Neuro-Rehabilitación (Dr. Julian Taylor)

12.20 Señales electrofisiológicas y estimulación cerebral no invasiva: tecnologías para valorar y potenciar la Neuro-Rehabilitación (Dr. Jaime Ibáñez)

12.40 Discusión y debate

13.00 Visita a las instalaciones del HNPT

Position in Machine Learning & Robotics

A graduate position is available at the Neural Rehabilitation Group, in the Cajal Institute – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

The selected candidate will work in the area of Machine Learning & Robotics. Specifically, in

  • New experimental paradigms, signal processing techniques, machine learning procedures, and control policies to generate adaptive, robotic gait-patterns.
  • Development of a self-learning controller for exoskeletons that optimizes the human-robot interaction to achieve a human-like, efficient, assisted locomotion.
  • Application to the assisted locomotion of spinal cord injury patients.

This work is part of a national research project, and it will be carried out within a proactive group –leading world-class research on Rehabilitative and Assistive Robotics– in a prestigious neuroscience institute.


Candidate profile:

Candidates must have an outstanding academic record and a University degree in one of the following specialties: Computer science, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Physics, or Mathematics.

The profile of the candidate should cover as much as possible the following distinctive features:

  • Strong background on one or some of the following techniques: Machine Learning – Pattern Recognition, Automation & Intelligent Control, and Soft computing.
  • Programming experience in MATLAB©
  • High motivation for research, originality and initiative
  • Fluent in English, or fluent in Spanish plus good written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • Good interpersonal communication skills.

Additional expertise in Digital Signal Processing, Statistics, System Modeling, and Measurement & Instrumentation will be valued.


Application procedure:

Interested applicants should send their resume by e-mail to

L.J. Barrios,, and J.L. Pons,


Open call: FPU predoctoral fellowships

The Neural Rehabilitation group is searching for graduates with a recent engineering master’s degree (Biomedical, Mechanical, Electronics, Informatics, Telecommunications, ..) with good qualifications (average more than 2,0 in the scale 1-4) and who wish carry out his/her PhD in the research line on Neural Rehabilitation. She/He will need to request a postdoc fellowship in the FPU call. See our flyer (.pdf)

2015 Summer School on Neurorehabilitation

2015 Summer School on Neurorehabilitation
El Saler (Valencia), Spain
September 13-18

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of all the organizers it is our pleasure to invite you to the 5th SUMMER SCHOOL ON NEUROREHABILITATION (SSNR2015) that will take place in El Saler (Valencia, Spain) from September 13 to 18 of 2015.

Research about the assessment and management of recovery after neural damage is a constantly evolving area that today requires an early convergence of clinical and technical perspectives. This is why the SSNR2015 aims to provide in depth education on advanced procedures for neurorehabilitation of motor dysfunction following stroke, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy, covering practical applications based on innovative neuroprosthetic systems, robotic interfaces and other combinational approaches.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Spain September 2015!

– Important deadlines –
Application: May 15, 2015
Notification: June 1, 2015
Payment: July 1, 2015

– Plenary speakers-
Metin Akay. University of Houston, USA
José Carmena. University of Berkeley, USA
Gregoire Courtine.Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
Bernhard Graimann. Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH, Germany
David Guiraud. INRIA research scientist, leader of DEMAR team, France
Bin He. University of Minnesota, USA
Ilse Jonkers. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Hermano Igo Krebs. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Silvestro Micera. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Eric Perreault. Northwestern University, USA
Dejan Popovic. Belgrade Serbia and Aalborg University, Serbia
Zev Rymer. Northwestern University, USA


WS1 – Neural interfaces and Wearable robotics in rehabilitation: a clinical perspective
Organizer: Jose L. Pons, CSIC. Co-Organizers: Jose L. Contreras-Vidal, U. Houston, and Gerard E. Francisco, UTHealth

WS2 – Muscle synergies: Looking into the CNS
Organizer: Diego Torricelli, CSIC

WS3 – (TENTATIVE) Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation
Organizer: Thierry Keller, Tecnalia Research and Innovation

WS4 – (TENTATIVE) Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation
Organizer: Belinda Lange, U. Southern California

WS5 – (TENTATIVE) Human neuromusculoskeletal modeling
Organizers: Massimo Sartori, University Medical Center Goettingen, and Monica Reggiani, University of Padova

WS6 – Brain Computer Interfaces: principles and applications in neurorehabilitation
Organizer: Arnau Espinosa, Guger Technologies OG

For further and up-to-date information, please visit the conference website: