The Spanish TV show “Comando Actualidad” broadcasted the show “Superhumans: According to experts, the future lies in carrying technology inside our body. Would you be willing to have a microchip implanted?” where the NIMBLE and TAYLOR projects were presented by
Fusing Electrical Stimulation, Wearable Robots & Humans to Restore and Enhance Mobility
Dr. Juan C. Moreno contributes to “Cyber–Physical–Human Systems,” a book exploring the latest in the interactions between cyber–physical systems and humans Participation in everyday life and life satisfaction are greatly affected by disabilities. Motor impairments caused by neurological disorders, like
Opportunity to work on the translation of leading neuroscientific brain theories into human-centred robotics applications
The Neural Rehabilitation Group (NRG) at Cajal Institute (CSIC) offers a unique opportunity to work on the translation of leading neuroscientific brain theories into human-centred robotics applications. We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to conduct research on
Software Architect job offer at Technaid company
Don’t miss this offer at Technaid company: The candidate will work in close collaboration with the NRG.
Programa Investigo – Oferta de Ayudante Investigación Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
Estamos buscando candidatos para trabajar durante un año en el GNR en el marco del programa Investigo de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los candidatos podrán inscribirse en la oferta en el portal de empleo de la CAM: Los requisitos
The NRG is seeking for “Atracción de Talento de la CM” candidates
We are looking for motivated postdoctoral researchers interested in working in the Neural Rehabilitation Group at Madrid with a Postdoctoral Contract under the “Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid” action. “Atracción de Talento 2022” Call This call is
The NRG is seeking for candidates for requesting a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF)
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to perform post-doctoral research in the Neural Rehabilitation Group at the Cajal Institute (in Madrid, Spain) under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action. The research topic would be in the scope of hybrid FES-robotic neurorehabilitation technologies, in
Our colleague Camila Rodrigues has been awarded one “Divulgación Oro” prize
Our colleague Camila Rodrigues has been awarded one of the first three “Divulgación Oro” (Gold Dissemination) prizes in the Scientific Dissemination Contest “Yo Investigo, Yo soy CSIC” (I Investigate, I am CSIC). Her work has been done in the framework
The Neural Rehabilitation Group is seeking for “Ramón y Cajal” candidates
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher interested in working in the Neural Rehabilitation Group with a Ramón y Cajal Tenure Contract. The main task of the candidate will be to support and guide the current research activities carried
The Neural Rehabilitation Group is seeking for “Juan de la Cierva” candidates
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to perform post-doctoral research in the Neural Rehabilitation Group ( at the Cajal Institute, in Madrid, Spain. The main task of the candidate will be to support and guide the current research activities