A graduate position is available at the Neural Rehabilitation Group, in the Cajal Institute – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

The selected candidate will work in the area of Machine Learning & Robotics. Specifically, in

  • New experimental paradigms, signal processing techniques, machine learning procedures, and control policies to generate adaptive, robotic gait-patterns.
  • Development of a self-learning controller for exoskeletons that optimizes the human-robot interaction to achieve a human-like, efficient, assisted locomotion.
  • Application to the assisted locomotion of spinal cord injury patients.

This work is part of a national research project, and it will be carried out within a proactive group –leading world-class research on Rehabilitative and Assistive Robotics– in a prestigious neuroscience institute.


Candidate profile:

Candidates must have an outstanding academic record and a University degree in one of the following specialties: Computer science, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Physics, or Mathematics.

The profile of the candidate should cover as much as possible the following distinctive features:

  • Strong background on one or some of the following techniques: Machine Learning – Pattern Recognition, Automation & Intelligent Control, and Soft computing.
  • Programming experience in MATLAB©
  • High motivation for research, originality and initiative
  • Fluent in English, or fluent in Spanish plus good written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • Good interpersonal communication skills.

Additional expertise in Digital Signal Processing, Statistics, System Modeling, and Measurement & Instrumentation will be valued.


Application procedure:

Interested applicants should send their resume by e-mail to

L.J. Barrios, L.barrios@csic.es, and J.L. Pons, jose.pons@csic.es


Position in Machine Learning & Robotics