Entrevista sobre EUROBENCH en el periódico “La Razón” (Spanish)

El Dr. Diego Torricelli, coordinador del proyecto H2020 EUROBENCH y otros miembros del  Grupo de Neuro – Rehabilitación colaboran activamente con el Dr. Jesús Tornero, director del Center for Clinical Neuroscience del Hospital Los Madroños y su equipo en este nuevo centro, creado en el marco del proyecto EUROBENCH, que se ha constituido como un centro de referencia en Europa para la estandarización de la robótica de la marcha.

Este domingo el periódico La Razón publicaba una entrevista completa al Dr. Jesús Tornero en:

[NdP] “Nuestro objetivo es ser centro de referencia nacional para la rehabilitación de pacientes con secuelas neurológicas”


Open Call “Atracción de Talento 2020”

We are looking for motivated postdoctoral researchers interested in working in the Neural Rehabilitation Group at Madrid with a Postdoctoral Contract.

Atracción de Talento 2020 Call

This call is aimed at promoting the attraction of national and foreign researchers with an outstanding career in foreign R&D centres by means, on the one hand, of the granting of aid for their employment and, on the other hand, the granting of aid for doing R&D activities.
There are two modalities:

1) Grants for hiring doctors with experience + Funding for R&D activities
The contracted postdoctoral researchers must have carried out predoctoral and / or postdoctoral stays in R&D foreign centers with a duration equal to or greater than three years in total. For at least two years of the last three years prior to the call (January, 11), the researcher must have been linked to a foreign R&D institution.
Candidates must meet the requirements of being doctors and having obtained a doctorate between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2015
Duration: 5 years
Salary ≈ 48.000€ per year (doctor FC1, according to salary tables of CSIC)
Extra funding: maximum of 200.000 for R&D activities

2) Grants for hiring young postdoctoral researchers.
For at least one year of the last two years prior to the call (January, 11), the researcher must have been linked to a foreign R&D institution.
Candidates must meet the requirements of being doctors and having obtained a doctorate between January 1, 2016 and January 11, 2021.
Duration: 4 years
Salary ≈ 38.000€ per year (doctor FC3, according to salary tables of CSIC)
Extra funding: 12.000 for attending conferences, courses, training activities, and stays in R&D institutions.

For more information about the Call, please visit the website.

Nuevas tecnologías para comprender, cuantificar y restaurar las funciones neuromotoras

Diego Torricelli y Filipe Barroso hicieron una presentación conjunta en el marco de la celebración del centenario del Instituto Cajal (CSIC), organizado en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC). El título de la charla fue “NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS PARA COMPRENDER, CUANTIFICAR Y RESTAURAR LAS FUNCIONES NEUROMOTORAS” y se puede ver en el canal de Youtube del MNCN-CSIC.

La estimulación eléctrica intramuscular reduce el temblor crónico en un 32 %

Una investigación liderada por el Grupo de Neuro-Rehabilitación – Instituto Cajal (CSIC) demuestra que la estimulación eléctrica intramuscular, aplicada de forma sincronizada con el temblor patológico, conlleva una reducción de los movimientos involuntarios en la muñeca de hasta el 32%. Los investigadores constataron no sólo la disminución del temblor sino también, por primera vez, el mantenimiento de esta mejoría transcurridas 24 horas.

La investigación ha sido publicada en la revista IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering y es parte del Proyecto Europeo EXTEND, financiado por la Unión Europea, coordinado por el CSIC y desarrollado en colaboración con el Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón de Madrid, la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, el Fraunhofer Institute de Alemania y la universidad Imperial College de Londres.

Más información en los siguientes enlaces:

RTVE interviewed Filipe Barroso to know more about EXTEND project

The National Spanish Radio (RTVE) interviewed Filipe Barroso to know more about the EU Project EXTEND. More information can be found in the following links:



NRG – Open call for JAE Intro 2020

The CSIC launches the JAE-Intro 2020: Introduction to research fellowships for University students with the objective to introduce students to research career. Open call from 9 March to 9 April 2020 (interrupted due to the COVID-19 crisis).

The 250 fellowships offered by the CSIC, of 3,000 € each for 5 consecutive months, with the possibility to extend it to 4 more months and with 3,000€ more.

The call is for university students with an excellent academic record. Applicants should have an average grade equal or higher than 8.00 (Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences and Social and Legal Sciences) or than 7.00 (Engineering and Architecture).

The scholarships are for university students coursing the degree on 2019-2020 (with at least 80 % of credits), or who are studying an official university master during 2019-2020 or are going to be students of official university master in the year 2020-2021.

The objective is to initiate them in the research activity in the diverse scientific areas, and to enable them to be in contact with the CSIC institutes or research centers.

The NRG offers 2 projects within this call in ‘Science and Physical technologies‘:

JAEINT20_EX_0824 – Design of neuroplasticity markers based on high-density electromyography – Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan C. Moreno

JAEINT20_EX_0917 – Study of human gait in robotic exoskeletons – Principal Investigator: Dr. Diego Torricelli

The funded and mentored research training period will be at Cajal Institute during the academic year 2019-2020.

In case you are interested in applying for this projects, you will need to select them in the application platform. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any point of the process in case you have any question or you would like to receive more information.

Contact us

Special Issue on Wearable Robotics in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics journal.

We are pleased to announce this Special Issue on Wearable Robotics in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics journal.

Recommended letter of intent: February 28, 2020
Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

Guest Editors:

* Juan C. Moreno, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
* Samer Mohammed, LISSI, UPEC, France
* He (Helen) Huang, Closed-loop Engineering for Advance Rehabilitation
(CLEAR) Core, NC State University, USA
* Nicola Vitiello, BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
* Conor J. Walsh, Harvard Biodesign Lab, Harvard University, USA

For details visit: https://www.ieee-ras.org/publications/t-ro/special-issues


Open Pre-doctoral position on Customization of Rehabilitation Robots and Neuroprosthesis.

 We are offering a pre-doctoral position for a Spanish Research Project on Customization of Rehabilitation Robots and Neuroprosthesis. 

 The candidate will pursue her/his PhD on the project activities. These will be related with the implementation of User-Centered approaches with an Expert Panel of end-users, conveying the main outcomes to the development of modular neuroprosthesis and rehabilitation robots. Besides, the candidate will be involved in the development of Biomechanical metrics for functional assessment of walking and assisted-walking of the devices. Besides, the candidate will collaborate in the development of a novel modular neuroprosthesis: HW, SW, control.

More information at: Job description (.pdf)

If interested, please send an e-mail with a motivation letter and a CV to Antonio.delama@urjc.es or jc.moreno@csic.es 


Can VR promote the uptake of robotics? check the immersive experience of a SCI patient trying our robotic exoskeleton technology

Fancy VR and robotics? You might want to check the immersive experience that we have created of a spinal cord injury patient trying our robotic exoskeleton technology. This is an experiment conducted with our Associated Unit at National Hospital of Paraplegics of Toledo (Spain). Can VR promote the uptake of robotics? Let us know your opinions!