International Conferences:
J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, A.D. Koutsou, J.L. Pons. Analysis of kinematic data in pathological tremor with the Hilbert-Huang Transform. Proceedings of the 5th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 2011. | Serrano, J. I., del Castillo, M. D.. DO ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS REALLY NEED TO BE CONSCIOUS?. 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. ICAART 2011. 2011. | J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, J. Ibáñez, J.L. Dideriksen, A.D. Koutsou, R. Paradiso, M.B. Popovic, J.M. Belda-Lois, F. Gianfelici, D. Farina, D.B. Popovic, T. D'Alessio, J.L. Pons. A soft wearable robot for tremor assessment and suppression. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2011. | A. De Mauro, E. Carrasco, D. Oyarzun, A. Ardanza, A. Frizera Neto, D. Torricelli, J. L. Pons, A.l Gil and J. Florez. Virtual Reality System in Conjunction with Neurorobotics and Neuroprosthetics for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18. MMVR 18. 2011. | R. Raya, E. Rocon, R. Ceres, J. Harlaar, J. Geytenbeek. Characterizing head motor disorders to create novel interfaces for people with cerebral palsy. IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Zurich, Suiza, junio,. 2011. | J.L. Dideriksen, J.A. Gallego, D. Farina. Characterization of pathological tremor from motor unit spike trains. IFBME Proceedings of the 15th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. 2011. | A. Holobar, V. Glaser, J.A. Gallego, J.L. Dideriksen, D. Farina. Noninvasive identification of motor unit discharge patterns in pathological tremor. 33 rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. EMBC 2011. 2011. | A. Holobar, V. Glaser, J.A. Gallego, J.L. Dideriksen, D. Farina. Noninvasive identification of motor unit discharge patterns in pathological tremor. 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. EMBC 2011. 2011. | J.A. Gallego, J.L. Dideriksen, D. Farina, E. Rocon, A. Holobar, J.L. Pons. A modelling study on transmission of the central oscillator in tremor by a motor neuron pool. 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. EMBC 2011. 2011. | F. Brunetti, Á. Garay, J.C. Moreno, J.L. Pons. Enhancing Functional Electrical Stimulation for Emerging Rehabilitation Robotics in the Framework of Hyper Project. IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Zurich, Suiza, junio. 2011. | F. Barroso, J.C. Moreno, C. Santos, J.L. Pons. Preliminary evaluation of mechanical effects of robotic guidance during walkin. International Bionic Engineering Conference, Boston, USA, sept 2011. 2011. | R. Ceres, R.Raya,E. Rocon y L. Azevedo. Propuesta de un modelo de interacción convergente en Tecnologías de Apoyo. VI Congreso IBERDISCAP. 1. 339-347. 2011. 978848384186X. | A. Ruiz, T. González, R. Raya, R. Ceres, L. Calderón, L. Azevedo. Experiencias de movilidad y desarrollo de niños con parálisis cerebral mediante un vehículo lúdico adaptable. VI Congreso IBERDISCAP. 1. 49-57. 2011. | M. Martins, A. Frizera, C. Santos, R. Ceres. Revisão e Classificação de Dispositivos de Treino e Reabilitação da Marcha Humana. VI Congreso IBERDISCAP. 1. 149-161. 2011. | R. Raya, T. González, A. Ruiz, R. Ceres, E. Rocon. Identificación de patrones motores alterados de niños con parálisis cerebral en el uso de un interfaz persona-computador controlado por movimientos de cabeza. VI Congreso IBERDISCAP. 2. 125-133. 2011. | J. Ibáñez, J.I. Serrano, M.D. del Castillo, L. Barrios, J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon. An EEG-based design for the online detection of movement intention. International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 2011. Lecture Notes on Computer Science (ISBN). Málaga. 2011. | Eloy Urendes, Ramón Ceres, Leopoldo Calderón. “Definition of the main parameters during the lifting and walking process of a gait trainer". Hypper Summer School Salamanca Septiembre 2011. 2011. | F. Barroso, A. Frizera, C. Santos, R. Ceres. Revisão crítica das ortóteses activas para membros inferiores (Critical review of active orthoses for lower limbs). VI Congresso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad. 2011. | S. Lambrecht M. Coutu E. Rocon. Modeling induced variability in kinematic measurements across multiple sites. Euromech 511 Biomechanics of human motion (Euromech). 2011. | M. Furmanek, C.A. Sutherland, S. Lambrecht, J. Frank, G. Juras. Balancing with an unstable object: The adaption to a novel dynamic task. 6th International Posture Symposium. 2011. | S. Lambrecht, I. Jonkers, J.L. Pons. Inverse dynamics-based estimation of muscle forces with incomplete kinematic and kinetic data: Kinematic artefacts. SSNR. 2011. | F. Resquín, J. Guevara, C. Cardozo, C. Santacruz and F. Brunetti. A Low Power Routing and Topology Control Protocol for Cluster-based Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks: The FLORA Project Case. 2011 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems. 132-134. 2011. |
Local Conferences:
J.C. Miangolarra Page, I. Alguacil De Diego, R. Cano, J.L. Pons, D. Torricelli, R. Raya. Dispositivos Neuro-Robótico y Neuro-Protésico para la Compensación Funcional y la Rehabilitación de Desordenes Motrices Hyper. 49º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. 2011. | D. Torricelli, J.C. Moreno, J.L. Pons. A new paradigm for neurorehabilitation based on muscle synergies. XXXII Jornadas de Automática. 2011. | J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, A.D. Koutsou, J.M. Belda-Lois, S. Mena, I. Busquets, A. Castillo, J.L. Pons. Atenuación del temblor patológico mediante estimulación eléctrica funcional. Congreso: XXXII Jornadas de Automática. Sevilla.. 2011. | Calderón L., Ceres R., Barrios L., Raya R., Rocon E., Pons J.L.. Consideraciones tecnológicas de los implantes neuronales. Workshop en Microsistemas y Nanotecnología. . Actas del Workshop y poster. 32-33. 2011. | E.A. Turowska, J.C. Moreno, D. Torricelli. Key Aspects of Biological Postural Control in Robotics. ROBOT 2011, III Workshop de Robótica Experimental, Sevilla. 2011. | Eloy Urendes, Ramón Ceres, Leopoldo Calderón, Rafael Raya, Manuel Aleixandre. "Nuevo sistema de entrenamiento de marcha". XXXII Jornadas de Automática. Sevilla, España, Septiembre 2011.. 2011. | S. Piazza, J. L. Pons. A neuro-musculoskeletal simulations framework for the study of muscle synergies. Jornadas de Automatica. 2011. | A. Koutsou, J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, J.L. Pons. Calibración de sistemas de estimulación eléctrica funcional para optimizar la selectividad en el antebrazo. VI Congreso de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad, IBERDISCAP2011. aceptado. 2011. | J.C. Moreno, I. Collantes, G. Asín, J.L. Pons. Towards a BNCI-driven stroke rehabilitation of gait: the concept of the BETTER project. Jornadas de Automática. 2011. | G. Asín. Neuromuscular control of dynamic joint stabilization: Implications to improve muscle and balance control. SUMMER SCHOOL ON NEUROREHABILITATION, La Alberca, Salamanca, Spain. 2011. | S. Lambrecht, A.J. del-Ama, A. Gil-Agudo, J.L. Pons. Desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema de análisis de movimiento ambulatorio 3D para el miembro superior. XXXII Jornadas de Automática. 2011. |