
Plataforma tecnológica híbrida para la rehabilitación, compensación funcional y entrenamiento de la marcha en pacientes con lesión medular

Difusión de los resultados del proyecto

Publicaciones científico-técnicas (con peer-review) derivadas del proyecto y patentes

AJ. del-Ama, A. Cuesta, V. Rajasekaran, F. Trincado, H. In, and D. Reinkensmeyer, "Robotic Rehabilitation: Ten Critical Questions about Current Status and Future Prospects Answered by Emerging Researchers," in Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation, J. L. Pons and D. Torricelli, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 189–205.

S. Lambrecht and A. J. del-Ama, "Human Movement Analysis with Inertial Sensors," in Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation, J. L. Pons and D. Torricelli, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 305–328.

Gil-Agudo A, Pérez-Nombela S, Pérez-Rizo E, Del Ama-Espinosa A, Crespo-Ruiz B. Pons J.L. Comparative biomechanical analysis of gait in patients with central cord and Brown-Sequard syndrome. Disability and Rehabilitation 2013;35(22):1869-1876.

AJ. del-Ama, A. D. Koutsou, E. Bravo-Esteban, J. Gómez-Soriano, Á. Gil-Agudo, J. L. Pons, and J. C. Moreno, "A comparison of customized strategies to manage muscle fatigue in isometric artificially elicited muscle contractions for incomplete SCI subjects," Journal of Automatic Control, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 19–25, 2013.

Antonio J del-Ama, Angel Gil-Agudo. José L. Pons, Juan C. Moreno. Hybrid FES-robot cooperative control of ambulatory gait rehabilitation exoskeleton for spinal cord injured users. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. In press

Asistencia a congresos, conferencias o workshops relacionados con el proyecto

A. J. del-Ama, E. Bravo-Esteban, A. D. Koutsou, J. Gómez-Soriano, S. Piazza, Á. Gil-Agudo, J. L. Pons, and J. C. Moreno, "Customized Strategies to Manage Muscle Fatigue in SCI Patients During Isometric FES-driven Muscle Contractions," 18th IFESS Annual Conference (IFESS2013), San Sebastián, Spain, 5-8 June 2013, pp. 87–91.

J.L. Pons, A. del-Ama, A. Gil-Agudo, J.C. Moreno, "Combined Application of Neurorobotics and Neuroprosthetics in Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury". Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury and Functional Electrical Stimulation Session. International Neuromodulation Society 11th World Congress, Berlin, Germany 8-13 June 2013

A. de los Reyes-Guzmán, I. Dimbwadyo-Terrer, S. Pérez-Nombela, F. Trincado, D. Torricelli, and A. Gil-Agudo Objective Metrics for Functional Evaluation of Upper Limb during the ADL of Drinking: Application in SCI. IFMBE Proceedings 41, p. 1751 ff. Laura M. Roa Romero (Eds.) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. Sevilla 25-28 september 2013

M. Solís-Mozos, A. del Ama-Espinosa, B. Crespo-Ruiz, E. Pérez-Rizo, J.F. Jimenez-Díaz, and A. Gil-Agudo Kinetic Analysis of Manual Wheelchair Propulsion in Athletes and Users with Spinal Cord Injury IFMBE Proceedings 41, p. 153 ff. Laura M. Roa Romero (Eds.) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. Sevilla 25-28 september 2013.

R. Ceres, E. Urendes, J.L. Pons, "Técnica de seguimiento en entrenador de marcha mediante interacción usuario-sistema". V Jornadas AITADIS de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad. Vitoria. Brasil 2013

E. Urendes, R. Ceres, J. L. Pons, M. Bortole "Comportamiento de un sistema activo de soporte y estabilización de marcha en procesos de rehabilitación". V Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos. DRT4ALL. September 23-35. 2013

E. Urendes Development of an active system for support and stabilization in gait rehabilitation. SSNR2013, Elche, Spain - September 16-21, 2013.

Tesis doctorales relacionadas con el proyecto


Antonio José del Ama Espinosa. Ingeniero Industrial. Tesis Doctoral: Hybrid walking therapy with fatigue management for spinal cord injured individuals. Supervisors: Dr. Juan C. Moreno (CSIC), Dr Ángel Gil (HNP) and Dr. Luis Moreno (UC3M). 25 October 2013. Apto Cum Laude.
The objective of this thesis is to develop a hybrid control strategy to combine a NP and a NR for hybrid control of the knee joint for SCI individuals, comprising monitoring of muscle performance and implementing muscle fatigue strategies.

En ejecución:

Eloy Urendes Jiménez, Title: to be defined. Supervisor: José Luis Pons, Ramón Ceres (CSIC).
The aim of the thesis is to develop and evaluate a partial body weight support –PBWS- system integrated with a lower robotic exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation in a real ambulatory scenario. This system is proposed as a way to improve safety, usability, energy storage, weight acceptance and adaptability in the rehabilitation of the patient with spinal cord injury--or other pathologies--who present serious mobility problems.