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Torricelli, Diego; Mizanoor, Rahman SM; Lippi, Vittorio; Weckx, Maarten; Mathijssen, Glenn; Vanderborght, Bram; Mergner, Thomas; Lefeber, Dirk; Pons, J. L.. Benchmarking Human Likeness of Bipedal Robot Locomotion: State of the Art and Future Trends. Metrics of Sensory Motor Coordination and Integration in Robots and Animals. 147-166. 2020.

Moreno, Juan C.; Mohammed,Samer; Sharma, Nitin; Del-Ama, Antonio J.. Hybrid Wearable Robotic Exoskeletons for Human Walking. Wearable Robotics. Academic Press. 347-364. 2020.

Serrano Moreno, J. I.; del Castillo Sobrino, M. D.; Oliveira Barroso, F. A.; Torricelli, D.; Torres Oviedo, G.. Nuevos métodos de evaluación de la marcha humana. La Marcha Humana - Biomecánica, evaluación y patología. 9788491104063. 2020.

Herrera, E.; Esteban, J. A.; Martí, E.; Martínez-Morales, J.R.; Menéndez de la Prida, L.; Reig, R.; Canals Gamoneda, S.; Bartumeus, F. (..), Moreno, J.C. et al. Brain, Mind and Behaviour. Libro Blanco CSIC 5. 10.20350/digitalCSIC/12652. 2020.

Moreno, J.C.; Mohammed, S.; Sharma, N.; del-Ama, A.J.. Hybrid wearable robotic exoskeletons for human walking. Chapter 18 - Hybrid Wearable Robotic Exoskeletons for Human Walking. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814659-0.00018-7. 347-364. 2020.